The Government of Antigua and Barbuda and the Government of Jersey has embarked on a learning program where residents of Antigua and Barbuda can have the opportunity to work in Jersey for the period April to September. This is a three-year agreement between both countries which will give one hundred (100) Antiguan and Barbudan residents the opportunity the apply and work and Jersey. The future of the Jersey Projects will see a reciprocal exchange of trainers and educators from Antigua and Barbuda and Jersey, to develop both participants’ professional training programmes.
As a longer-term ambition, consider the possibilities of student exchange between Jersey and Antigua and Barbuda, to diversify and strengthen the educational opportunities provided by both institutions.
Why this partnership works?
The island of Jersey, which sits just off the coast of France is very similar to our own twin island nation. Hospitality is one of the key drivers of their economy and their population is approximately one hundred thousand. Their tourism season high season is April – September, our traditional low-season months.
During the period of the pandemic, Jersey experienced a labour shortage and as their peak season approaches, they have reached out to the Government of Antigua and Barbuda to assist with providing employees with the opportunity to work abroad and experience Jersey – a valuable experience that can only enhance the work experience for nationals in our twin island state.
Who should apply?
The Jersey program is only open to Citizens of Antigua and Barbuda.
The hospitality roles that are open for employment are:
- Chefs – fully or partly trained and across multiple disciplines
- Staff trained to fulfil middle operation management roles in hotel and in restaurants
- Fully or partially trained front-line staff across multiple disciplines including, but not exclusive to: Food & Beverage, Housekeeping, Front of House.
The following categories of workers are eligible to apply:
- Graduates of the Antigua and Barbuda Hospitality Training Institute
- Employees of member hotels of the Antigua and Barbuda Hotels and Tourism Association and
- Trained hospitality professionals with a minimum of three years working experience in the hospitality sector
Key points on the partnership
- The Government of Jersey’s Department for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport & Culture is responsible for creating the environment for Jersey to have a sustainable, vibrant economy, and a skilled workforce for the future. The Department works closely with industry partners to support the development and diversification of Jersey’s economy, including tourism and hospitality sectors.
- The Antigua and Barbuda Ministry of Tourism and Investment is charged with making policy and establishing policy guidelines within the tourism industry in Antigua and Barbuda. The Ministry holds responsibility for the overall marketing and promotion of the destination, in addition to the development of the tourism product on the Island.
- Noting the shared mutual objectives in relation to the continuation of a strong tourism and hospitality sector in both Island jurisdictions, the importance of a professional, skilled workforce to support both sectors, and the need to ensure career development opportunities for the same, EDTSC and ABMTI wish to establish a collaborative hospitality partnership.
- This MOU is valid for three years from the date it comes into effect. Upon renewal, both participants confirm they will consider the progress made on the cooperative programme during the tenure of the MOU. If either participant decides not to renew this MOU, a minimum of thirty days in advance notice in writing should be provided.
- The application process, together with air fares and the provision of staff accommodation, will remain the responsibility of the recruiting companies in Jersey. All provisions, where appropriate, such as accommodation, staff uniforms and food, will be clearly identified to Antigua and Barbuda applicants during the recruitment process and the subsequent employment contract. Appropriate employment conditions that meet all Jersey Employment legislation will be met and remain at the responsibility of all employers under Jersey law.
- Applicants from Antigua and Barbuda are expected to return to their home Island following the successful completion of a workplace opportunity in Jersey, to continue to the development of their career in hospitality.
The EASE Training Program?
Application and acceptance to the Jersey Project will not be finalized until all participants have completed your EASE training. This program is provided FREE and is fully funded by the Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority.
With E.A.S.E (Exceeding All Service Expectations) training, our aim is to ensure and to develop the participants understanding of: The concept of Customer Experience and its importance to organizations.
This training will be conducted virtually, for four (4) hours via zoom platform, facilitated by Ms Shirlene Nibbs.
Ms Nibbs has a solid track record of more than 40 years of experience in Tourism, Hospitality, Organizational Development and Training and Development. As a former Director General of Tourism, Head of multiple Organizations, and now, Managing Director of her own Leadership/Management Consulting, Corporate Training and Development Company she continues to leave a mark.
This course will provide the participants with the history, knowledge, and skills to deliver excellent customer service. Topics that will be covered:
- Customer Service in the Current Century
- Contributing to the Service Culture
- Communication Skills
- Encouraging Customer Loyalty
- Service Breakdowns and Service Recovery
The objective of this workshop is for participants to understand key customer service concepts, satisfaction, and the relationship between customer service and customer experience. At the culmination of the workshop, attendees will be issued a Certificate and a E.A.S.E Pin.
For more information please contact the ABHTA at [email protected] or call 462.0374/4928
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