Reachable only by boat, and with no cars in sight, Jumby Bay Island is a world unto itself. This private isle of white-powdered beaches and winding bicycle paths is a one-of-a-kind hideaway known, quite simply, as the finest resort in the Caribbean.
Named after the Antiguan word ‘jumbee’, meaning playful spirit, this island retreat is the embodiment of rarefied yet relaxed luxury. The island is just a six-minute boat ride from the coast of Antigua and yet worlds away from any crowds.
It may be for its postcard-perfect beaches, lapped by clean, crystalline waters. Or for its rich biodiversity, including one of the world’s primary preserves for hawksbill sea turtles. Or for its intimate, private setting of 300 acres. Whatever the draw, Jumby Bay Island is the stuff of dreams.
Offering something for everyone, one of the elements of Jumby Bay Island’s magic is the variety of experiences that can be enjoyed in one place. Whether it be in one of our 21 Private Residences, 14 Villas or 40 rooms and suites – each accommodation possess a unique character and vantage point for experiencing our island’s exquisite nature, elegant amenities, Caribbean warmth and service of a dedicated Oetker Collection staff.
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